How to use
How to listen to binance events? UserDataStreams
The idea is to create listener methods that take an event object as a parameter. These objects wrap the content of payloads from websockets in a human-readable way. You must then activate these methods within by adding them to a handler list (which can also be modified or reset like a normal list since it inherits its properties).
A detailed example for user events
client = binance.Client(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
Create a client and set its api key and secret
await client.load()
Load valid tokens and the rate limits from the binance API (it is not needed but recommended)
def my_order_update_listener(wrapped_event):
Defines a listener and takes a wrapped_event in parameter
print(f"order for symbol {wrapped_event.symbol} updated!")
Displays the symbol: a value defined in the wrapper object., "executionReport")
Register the listener in the dedicated handlers list (inside the events object of the client)
await client.start_user_events_listener()
This will start a websocket connection to the binance API and create an events object.
Check this full working example on github.
Last updated